Uncertainty chemistry calculator
Uncertainty chemistry calculator

It is recognised that while the recommendations presented do form a valid approach to the evaluation of measurement uncertainty for many purposes, other suitable approaches may also be adopted – see references in Section 9. The recommendations in this document are primarily for guidance. sampling, sample transportation and possible gross errors during data storage/retrieval. It is important to notice that vital parts of the total measurement uncertainty are not included, e.g. The handbook covers all steps in the analytical chain from the arrival of the sample in the laboratory until the data has been reported. However, the approach is very general and should be applicable to most testing laboratories in the chemical field. Practical examples, taken directly from the everyday world of environmental laboratories, are presented and explained. Nordtest has supported this project economically in order to promote and enhance harmonisation between laboratories on the Nordic market.

uncertainty chemistry calculator

The aim is to provide a practical, understandable and common way of measurement uncertainty calculations, mainly based on already existing quality control and validation data, according to the European accreditation guideline /12/, the Eurolab Technical Report No. Abstract This handbook is written for environmental testing laboratories in the Nordic countries, in order to give support to the implementation of the concept of measurement uncertainty for their routine measurements.

Uncertainty chemistry calculator