Inspirit institute dubuque
Inspirit institute dubuque

inspirit institute dubuque


Plus I was dealing with chronic pain (migraines).

inspirit institute dubuque

I am going to say something in the next few days that will save your life I promise. So, it is hard for me to speak about it in a short format. In fact, I am writing a whole book about su***de. This is the post that is going to take more than one day. Lynn 💜ĭay 6 of the Big Reveal - (Happy Thanksgiving Oprah!) We stop & ask what are we grateful for? I am answering TO BE ALIVE! and not lightly - you see it was just this very summer while my husband was watching a Cubs game in the living room, that I went to look for his gun & was going to commit su***de. How about that? Let's make each other matter. Lastly, if we are going to lunch - unless we BOTH agree we can be on the phone - then let's not ok? Let's talk. (oops I don't swear much - but I am making a point). In my office I can just work - not work and work on the phone at the same time. Can I get an amen? What is happening to our world? I almost want to go back to the answering machines - no farther back - ahhh I feel more relaxed just imagining a phone on a wall. Know what else? I DO NOT TEXT & drive! So - if that means you are trying to "talk" to me & I don't answer - do not freak the f out on me. I learned that a couple vacations ago in Florida. Know what? The Amish are on to something! It is not a vacation if you are still working via phone. I don't even do the phone on a perfect Sunday. We would sit there & be like "one more?" late late - when we both had to work in the morning! point is this, they used a term I loved "going dark".


Have you watched the series 24? If not DO! Warning - was mine & husband's 1st binge watching addiction. What happened to yesterday? It was SUNDAY! The day to unplug. This moon is a sample of his work.💜ĭay 9 of The Big Reveal. I want to support art! My next addition will be photography for sale by Al Brimeyer. Relax, recharge! At Inspirit I want to be an outlet for creativity. Some people arrange flowers, cook, belly dance.give yourself permission to play. Janna Lynn Brunskill does healing with sound meditation & vibration. It doesn't feel like work to me & I get paid to do it! Some people make jewelry. I CREATE spaces for people to heal & grow in their homes & workplaces. Today, I love to express with my decorating & feng shui work. We need to bring out what is in our heart with creativity. Our feelings are energy - they need to be dispelled outwardly. I stopped trusting people for a very long time. I didn't need meds then - the art/writing was my medicine. Some friends turned over my artwork & writings to a doctor, who without even talking to me, diagnosed me & prescribed me meds. I would make it through all the hurtful things happening in my life with poems & stories.

Inspirit institute dubuque